
A TypeScript unit testing framework, following standard xUnit patterns


Note that 1.4.0 is the last release that will support legacy versions of the above; v2.0 (expected Q4 2023) will support:

Ongoing gommercial support for legacy versions is available for Corporate, Premier, and Title Sponsors.


npm install --dev xunit.ts


yarn add --dev xunit.ts

Configure your test project

At a minimum, your tsconfig.json will require the following:

	"compilerOptions": {
		"target": "ES2015", //or "ES6"
		"module": "CommonJS",
		"experimentalDecorators": true

If you’re using a bundler, you’ll need to declare xunit.ts as an external in your build config file for the tests to be detected. See the officially-supported configurations in the compiler-tests directory of the source code for detailed examples.

Create your first test


import { Test, TestSuite } from 'xunit.ts';

export default class MyTestSuite extends TestSuite {
	async MyFirstTest() {
		this.assert.equal(2, 1 + 1);

Run your tests

You’ll first need to compile your TypeScript tests into JavaScript using tsc or the supported bundler of your choice.

Then run:

npm run xunit compiled_tests_dir


yarn xunit compiled_tests_dir

to run the tests.

You can also run xunit.ts from a script in your package.json:

	"scripts": {
		"test": "tsc --outDir compiled_tests_dir && xunit compiled_tests_dir"

Filtering tests

If you don’t want to run your entire test suite, you can pass one or more --filter flags to the xunit command.

Filters are regular expressions that will match against the string {TestSuiteName}.{TestMethodName}.

Using our example above, of a test suite named MyTestSuite with a test method named MyFirstTest, we could use any of the following filters to include that test in our test run: